A while back Sarah came home from her Happy Place (TJ's) with some exciting news... exciting for a food lover :) They were now selling refrigerated biscuits. She had purchased a can of them, and told me they actually had two different ones and next time I went to TJ's I should pick up the other kind and we will do a taste test. So, I did, and the taste test commenced that Saturday morning. There were biscuits o' plenty and we each had our favorites.
But that fun was over shadowed by the cuteness that is Troy the Boy Fitzpatrick! He is a big fan of eating... so, in good company when I am around! He wanted those suckers to come out of the oven so bad, that he plopped himself down in front of the oven and waited and watched and waited some more... David decided to sit with him...
He even had is little plate ready :)
Look at that face... not David :p
that was priceless. man, it's comforting to know that troy and caleb are such kindred spirits in so many ways, and especially the food! love, love, david, for joining his buddy.
Super cute post!
Oh I love these pictures. Troy was SO excited about the biscuits! And sweet David just indulged him and sat with him waiting. Love those boys.
so precious Wendy! thank you documenting and sharing such fun memories. those Fitz kids are too dang cute and your hubby is amazingly patient and sweet.
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