Monday, May 11, 2009

May Birthdays...

Happy Birthday Month to me... and to many others in my life!
May Birthday's are pretty big in my life. Not only do I share mine with my wonderful Twinner(and with our cousin Tim), but I also share the month with so many others. Everyone in the picture above holding a birthday candle in fact :) (not Russ... he is holding a table candle, his bday is in Sept.) :P
The list is as follows:
The Twin
Cousin- Tim
Sister-in-law- April
Nephew- Jacob
Father-in-law- Rod
Mother-in-law- Ann
Sister-in-law- Neeley
Niece- Jessica
Niece- Ashley
Niece- Hannah
Niece- Grace( Ash, Hannah and Grace are in June, but since it is so close to may we celebrate them with the may bdays most of the time).
That is 13 just in the family alone... if I forgot anyone, sorry :) there are so many it would be easy to do.
Then I have 5 friends with May bdays and there is Mother's Day thrown in!
All this to say...
Happy Birthday all you May babies! Hope your Birthday, or month :) is amazing!


Lolly Caruana said...

I second that!!! That picture is hilarious! I love it! And everyone in the picture! Happy Birthday to the whole lot of you!!!

Julie Snell said...

Happy Birthday to us!!!! I wonder what goes on 9 months before May that gets people in the mood for baby making. :)

Wendy said...

End of summer and Aug and Sept Anniversary lovin :)

Anonymous said...

yep! You didn't say you were going to post the Mother-in-Law picture on the web!!! I do say we had a great time since David and Wendy came and made our dinner and the celebration extra-special!! Thank you both for a VERY fun Birthday bash and all of the gifts that kept on giving the whole entire month! :) We love you! Mom