Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want to be Lame too!!!

Twin says these things are usually lame... I agree... and still I felt led to answer. :P

1. My ex... Could count the number of them on one hand.
2. Maybe I should be... trying to go to bed before 11pm so it is not so dang hard to get up for work in the morning.
3. I love... David and the rest of my family!
4. People would say that I'm... Monica, loud, the hostess, the mom, an interrupter... this could go on and on.
5. I don't understand... why some famous people are famous and why professional athletes make so much money.
6. When I wake up in the morning... I snooze about 3 times before literally rolling out of bed.
7. I lost... I leave the loosing things up to David. Love ya babe!
8. Life is full of... Tears, happy and sad... this is mostly true of my family. We are a tad bit emotional. :)
9. My past is... in the past. Good friends and good times. I love old school memories.
10. I get annoyed when people... are stupid drivers, are loud at the movies, inconsiderate in general.
11. Parties are... awesome when I throw them :)
12. I wish.... I could have a glass of milk and a slice of cheese
13. Dogs... No thanks!
14. Cats... I'll pass.
15. Tomorrow... Is the last episode of ER... sad.
16. I have a low tolerance for... rudeness
17. If I had a million dollars... I would make my mom retire and move the Caruana's back to the West Coast.
18. I'm totally terrified of... Spiders... I know, but I am ok.
19. My spouse... Is just what his name means... my Beloved
20. I would rather be... shopping... I have the urge :)


Candie said...

i love the title of your blog! lol... and i so enjoyed reading your answers Monica :)

Julie Snell said...

Classic twinner! My thoughts on your thoughts:
2. I am having the same problem, but it's not 11...I have been staying up unitl 2am.
5. Because they need the extra $$ to support thier drug habbits, baby mommas and bottles of Cristal at the clubs! I think I went too far - oh well!
10. David, get the manager!
15. Who cares :)
17. Great answer

Lolly Caruana said...

I love...that you regularly reference moving my family back to California. It makes me feel so loved! :)

sfitz said...

I love your list! And I love that'd you'd spend your money moving the C fam back. David and Mark need to get moving on their million dollar idea(s)!