Over the past week, I have noticed some things in my behavior that seem to be a little OCD... so I thought I would jot them down and see if any of you can relate, or see if you think I am a little nutzo :)
In my new car the volume is shown in numbers, meaning, when I turn it up it shows digits going up to let you know that it is getting louder... Well, when I noticed this I realized in my last car the volume was displayed with lines and they went up by 1/2 lines... And I had a need to make sure that the volume was always on a full line and not a 1/2 line. Even if someone else was in the car and turned the volume up or down, I would put it up one or down one in order to bring it to a full line, but I did not even notice I did it until I did not have it to do anymore in my new car... And I kinda miss it. :P
I have a side of a booth, or a table, when we go out to eat. David actually pointed this out to me. And it changes based upon the restaurant. It is not a left or a right side thing. I have to sit on the side where I am facing towards the open part of the restaurant. I feel very uncomfortable facing a wall of something like that... very odd.
Before we go up and go to bed, I have to go check and see if the garage door is closed. Even if I remember closing it (sometimes I don't) I still go check. I think this might annoy David, not sure.
Those are my big 3... any of you guys have any?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies
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10:24 PM
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I always forget if I lock my car door about 5 seconds after I do indeed lock it. Erin & Kirk both think I am a nut ball. We will get back from lunch and get out of my car...I will lock in and after about 20 steps I will look at Erin and say "did I lock my car?" Then even though she tells me yes, I still walk back to check. The really rediculous part of that is that my car will lock itself after a dealyed amount of time.
ooh this is gonna be a fun blog! good topic wendy :)
the only one i can think of, which im not even sure if it qualifies, is when im in a turn lane with my blinker on-- for awhile my blinker will be in sync with the blinker in front of me and then slowly they will get out of sync. i dont understand how the timing of the blinker can change? not sure if that makes sense -- if you need me to act it out in person next time lemme know ;)
Candie and Julie... I experiance both of yours very often. Julie, ask david... I forget all the time if I locked my car... and often walk all the way back to check. I also forget if I closed the garage door when pulling away from the house. Candie, I remember in college sitting in the turn lane to pull into APU and just watching my blinker go in and out of sync with the car in front of me, wondering... if we were both driving Ford F150's would they do the same :P
Interestingly enough Candice Heather Hill, I not only notice this blinker thing... I will often play a game with myself to see if I can tell which is faster, and also if the car behind me (as well as the one in front) have the same timing while mine is different.
Usually, when I exhaust the fun of that "game", I'll move into drumming according to the "rhythm" of the two blinkers.
As for my own... Wendy knows this very well... I have to pump gas in increments of $0.05. Seriously, I can't stop at a penny increment - it must increment at 5 cents. If I'm at $20.43, I have to go up to at least $20.45, and if it accidentally goes over, I'll keep going up until I can get it right.
I totally do the gas thing too...Except for me it has to be in $0.25 increments.
Another thing I do is when I put the silverware away the forks and spoons have to be lined up and neatly staked, not just thrown into the drawer.
And every once in a while I go through the toy box and put all the toys together that have several pieces and stack them neatly back in the toy box. I wish I didn't care about the toys because they never stay put away.
I think this is totally normal....I have to check the door every night even if i know i locked it. I do a few other things like that....i think everyone does that kind of stuff don't they? i love you and your idiosyncrasies!
I don't mind telling you that I do a similar thing at restaurants. I always want to face a door.
I open every drinking straw the same way I have since I worked at In N Out- I tear it in the middle, put the uncovered half in the drink, and then remove the top. This is IRRegardless of if I am drinking it immediately or not.
If my screensaver turns on while I am sitting at my desk, I immediately move my mouse to turn it off, no matter if I have any computing to do or not.
I can't handle email showing as unread in Outlook. I mark everything as "read" immediately. Same thing with my Itunes podcasts. I can't listen to music until my podcasts are all either listened to or deleted.
Everything on my iPod is a full album. No singles, no partial albums, etc. Every album has artwork, everything is named properly. Possibly my most OCD realm.
No matter how meaningful a piece of paper is, I HAVE to scotch tape any rips in it if I am not throwing it away immediately.
I won't microwave beverages. I'd drink something cold first.
I forgot to tell you another today! i have to have my windows cracked in my car at certain levels. if they are off, i will fix it, even if it takes 5 minutes.
and when i turn around a certain way, i have to turn back around in the opposite direction, just to feel even. or when i step on a crack in the sidewalk with my left foot, i have to do the same with my right.
i think i might have OCD.
the is kelsey by the way :)
I love all these things! And I do a lot of them :)
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