Thursday, February 26, 2009

No Sugar for 46 Days

Ok, I gave up sugar until Easter. We will see how this goes. If it goes well, then maybe it will be french fries next year. :)
So one thing that popped into my head was wow, this is the 1 reason why it is a good thing that the Caruana's have moved away. If they still lived here, the idea of nightly cookie dough would be soooo hard to give up for 46 days. So there you have it Caruana's, One reason for the next 46 days to not miss the Caruana's.


Anonymous said...

Twinner - I hope you realize that means no FREEPK for the next 46 days. We have about 3 items on our menu that don't have sugars, 2 are salads and you would have to bring your own dressing and the other is a side of wok-stirred veggies. No fun for wendy.

Wendy said...

I am not doing hard core no sugar. I told you that already. :) I am not including sugars that are in meals and stuff like that. No soda, no dessert, no candy, no sweets, no sugar cereal... etc.

Anonymous said...

oh...that is much more managable...and a very good idea. I have gotten back on the Dr. Pepper kick. I love the stuff! And I am very excited we will not have to FreePK without you!

Jessica said...

Good luck to you, I wish I could muster up some self-control like that. Is this for any specific reason?