Thursday, October 15, 2009

Such an unfortunate nickname... and I guess it is stickin'

Most of you know, my nickname is Weener. I know, pretty bad huh? Not only that but other forms of it like, Weenie, Richard, Dick... ect. Most of the time though, it is Weener.

Kirk and Julie have been talking ever since they got married that when they have kids they are going to tell them to call me Aunti Weener. Easy to say, I was not thrilled at this idea.

Ever since high school I have heard this wonderful nickname called out, even across the quad at school or in other awesome public places. I mean really, who would not want to be beckoned in a public place with such an awesome term of endearment, right?

Well, I was thinking, no way. It won't happen. Well, I was wrong. It has started!

Today I met Mariah and Dub A (Isaac) for lunch. It was fun times. He is getting so big! Talking a lot and bunches of new words to say for me. MaMa, WaWa (water) and then Mariah said...

"Isaac, who is that?" and pointed to me.

"Is that Aunti Weener?"

He looked right at me and said, "WeeWee!" with a big grin on his scrumply little face!

Are you kidding me?

Mariah said that on the way down to meet for lunch, she said "Isaac, we are going to see your Aunti Weener."

And he responded with Wee Wee. So yup... it has stuck... I am Aunti Wee Wee.

Oh Lord, I can just hear it now. So many kids coming up with their own versions of it...

Aunti Wee Wee

Aunti Weenie

Aunti Weene

All I can say is, you better believe my kids will be calling Kirk, Uncle Kirkerman or Uncle Kirkker.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

ummmm.... eeeewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I love to cook... despise cleaning up the kitchen, but LOVE to cook. Although some nights I get home from work and all the sudden I look at the clock and it is already after 8pm and I have not even thought about dinner.

This has never been a problem before, mainly because I have the most easy to please hubby when it comes to food. He is happy with anything, so I would usually do Kraft Mac and Cheese with kielbasa or taquitos with cheese and salsa or quesadillas... are you sensing a theme?


Every easy, fail safe, quick meal ideas I have are cheese, milk, cream and more cheese. So, while David can still eat quick, I being off dairy have a harder time. You can only have eggs so often.

So on my last trip to Whole Foods I picked up a few dairy free quick meals and was looking forward to the next late night mad dash to the kitchen.

The 1st was a couple weeks ago. I went for my Soy Cheese Dairy Free Pizza... I ate about 1/4 of it and gave up. My jaw started to hurt from chewing the nasty fake cheese and cardboard crust. Thanks for nothing but taking my $8 bucks Whole Foods.

Well, tonight was one of those nights again. Julie had a CPK frozen pizza for one and David went for taquitos... I pulled out my dairy free Veggie Meatloaf frozen meal.

It was soooo wrong you guys! I took one bite and could not bare another. Just look at the picture... and ask the twin, this picture makes it look like a stinkin' 4 star meal... it was not!

I ended up eating some beef jerkey. :) Go figure.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New Jam's... for Addie Loo-Hoo

Ok... as you know, David and I are yet to have children of our own. Although, when that day comes I have a feeling the economic downturn will rebound a bit :) Until that day comes I have been and continue to be blessed with so many little one's to support my "gift" of shopping. This was something I always knew the mom's were appreciative of, but last week I was enlightened to find out that some of the little one's have come to learn of my gift giving habit...

Last week, Sarah Fitz and I were in Addie's room after her bath, getting her ready for bed. Sarah was putting her jammies on (you know, the Carter's, super soft, zip all the way up, one's with the feet). Well, this particular jammie was one I had given to Addie almost a year ago when I was actually picking a few out for Caleb from Costco (I shop a lot, but I am almost always getting an amazing deal!). They seemed a bit too snug and this is what transpired:

Sarah: Addie, I think these jammies are getting a little too tight, you need some new jammies.

Addie: (without skipping a beat, turns her head to look at me and says) Wenny... I need some new jammies, you get me some, ok?

Me: (without skipping a beat) You got it Addie! What color?

Addie: Pink

Me: Flowers or animals?

Addie: Flowers

Me: You got it! New jammies coming right away!

Sarah and I burst into laughter. It was sooo funny! I did not find it rude or assuming in any way. The girl is awesome, she remembered who gave the too small jammies to her and so when she needed new one's, she went straight to the source. Addie-Loo-Hoo, you are a girl after my own heart!

As promised, she got her new jammies from Costco... they did not have any pink with flowers, but I think I made some great choices with what I had to pick from.