Saturday, April 11, 2009

Weekend with the Prescott's... aka... Kami Kami Kami

My mom and I went up North last weekend for a few days of fun with Michele, Tony and Kami. It was lots of fun... minus the bugs... I could never live in the woods :)
Kami is getting soooo big. And let me tell you she has some awesome little quirks and sayings. Here are a few of the things that tickled my heart...

Kami, just like all of us, has to pass gas from time to time. Most little kids say something like Excuse me and give a little giggle... not Kami. She passed gas and whispered... oh... it's a barking spider. I cracked up... Tony taught her that one.

She learns a lot of stuff from her Dad since he is such a hands on dad. When Tony answers the phone with some of his friends he says "Peace and Love, Peace and Love" Well Kami tends to walk around the house chanting "Peace and Love, Peace and Love" It is soo classic.

Our Niece Hannah loved Sleeping Beauty when she was little and she called her Sleeping Bluuty... it was super cute and when that happens there is no need to correct them, because it is just so stinking cute. Well, Kami calls her Sleeping Booty. Awesome

Kami has struggled a little with hitting and biting at daycare... what can I say... she is a tough kid! Well they have been working with her on this, and I found that out when we picked her up from her friends house and we asked what she did with her friend and kami responded with "No Biting No Hitting Nice Hands"... Apparently, that is what they tell her to remember when she goes to day care and to friend's to play. And she sure remembers it.

It was a great time... here are some fun pictures of our time there.

Kami played at a friends' house while we went out to dinner. Fun adult dinner time.

Kami loves going to Kaitlyn's house. Daddy put her in this awesome outfit... Oh... the 909 is still alive and well.

Kami could not bring her self to see Grandma CeCe with her Bling on... she made her take it off very quickly.

She came up to me and said "Aunt Wendy, check out my bling"... too cute.

She LOVES being with her dad!

Kami trying to convince me that she should eat another hard boiled egg... I said no... she was not a happy camper. shortly after this picture was taken.

She loved them... Calls the eggies... not eggs... she told me they are eggies.

She really got the hang of it.

Grandma CeCe teaching her the art of egg coloring.

Fun times.

Grandma CeCe surprised Kami with a Snow White tent and sleeping bag... she Loved it as you can see.

This girl Loves the park... this crazy big green slide is her fav. she is such a big girl.

I was the lucky one that was picked to go all the way up the fun playground maddness.

The girl loves to wear princess crowns

She was beating up on dad...

Who knew... cheerleading... hmmmm.

This is the outfit she picked to jump on the tramp! I LOVE IT!

She is a crazy chic.

Blowing bubbles Grandma CeCe brought for her.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I want to be Lame too!!!

Twin says these things are usually lame... I agree... and still I felt led to answer. :P

1. My ex... Could count the number of them on one hand.
2. Maybe I should be... trying to go to bed before 11pm so it is not so dang hard to get up for work in the morning.
3. I love... David and the rest of my family!
4. People would say that I'm... Monica, loud, the hostess, the mom, an interrupter... this could go on and on.
5. I don't understand... why some famous people are famous and why professional athletes make so much money.
6. When I wake up in the morning... I snooze about 3 times before literally rolling out of bed.
7. I lost... I leave the loosing things up to David. Love ya babe!
8. Life is full of... Tears, happy and sad... this is mostly true of my family. We are a tad bit emotional. :)
9. My past is... in the past. Good friends and good times. I love old school memories.
10. I get annoyed when people... are stupid drivers, are loud at the movies, inconsiderate in general.
11. Parties are... awesome when I throw them :)
12. I wish.... I could have a glass of milk and a slice of cheese
13. Dogs... No thanks!
14. Cats... I'll pass.
15. Tomorrow... Is the last episode of ER... sad.
16. I have a low tolerance for... rudeness
17. If I had a million dollars... I would make my mom retire and move the Caruana's back to the West Coast.
18. I'm totally terrified of... Spiders... I know, but I am ok.
19. My spouse... Is just what his name means... my Beloved
20. I would rather be... shopping... I have the urge :)