Saturday, March 28, 2009

Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies

Over the past week, I have noticed some things in my behavior that seem to be a little OCD... so I thought I would jot them down and see if any of you can relate, or see if you think I am a little nutzo :)

In my new car the volume is shown in numbers, meaning, when I turn it up it shows digits going up to let you know that it is getting louder... Well, when I noticed this I realized in my last car the volume was displayed with lines and they went up by 1/2 lines... And I had a need to make sure that the volume was always on a full line and not a 1/2 line. Even if someone else was in the car and turned the volume up or down, I would put it up one or down one in order to bring it to a full line, but I did not even notice I did it until I did not have it to do anymore in my new car... And I kinda miss it. :P

I have a side of a booth, or a table, when we go out to eat. David actually pointed this out to me. And it changes based upon the restaurant. It is not a left or a right side thing. I have to sit on the side where I am facing towards the open part of the restaurant. I feel very uncomfortable facing a wall of something like that... very odd.

Before we go up and go to bed, I have to go check and see if the garage door is closed. Even if I remember closing it (sometimes I don't) I still go check. I think this might annoy David, not sure.

Those are my big 3... any of you guys have any?

Monday, March 23, 2009

I got to spin...

... quite a bit, on the good ol' wheel of fortune games... but no big wins there... although, I found this nickle slot that seemed fun, and it was! I won about $400 in one spin on a nickle machine. It was awesome!!!!! And it was right before we were checking out too, it is always fun to go out on a win. :)

For Pop's Bday we went to this place in Ceasars' called Trevi... it was amazing italian food. I had to ask for no cheese, but other than that sad reality, it was soooo yummo. This was the free dessert they brought for his bday. No, I did not even have a taste, luckily there were banana's in it, so the whole thing was tainted for me. Thank you Lord for that, sugar and dairy is so less appealing when there is your least favorite thing in the food world on it.

It was a fun time, celebrating Dad and spending time together. We even went quilt shopping with dad and sherri one of the days, it was fun. I am working on a quilt... it may be a while to come, but it will be awesome, and I will post about it when it is done :)

Fun times at my first scooter rally. Some really fun bikes to check out... and fun people watching to be had... no naked men with diapers like Julie got to endure the last time, but still fun times. One guy had a blender put into his vespa and was making drinks for people. Classic. It was only 10:30am.

This was my Favorite One... no words needed.

I still have not actually taken a ride on D's vespa, but I sat on it for this cute picture :)

So the weekend was pretty great. Julie and I got some great Twin Time in as well as some good time with pop's sherri and the boys got their scooted riding, german food eating, beer drinking, craps playing time in and it was just a great time away from the everyday grind.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I Wanna Spin!!!

Leaving for Vegas in a few hours! Time to celebrate my pop's bday (it is on Sunday)... and no better place to do this than in Vegas! David and I have actually decided, we don't really like going to Vegas without my pop's!

David and Kirk will also be attending the big Vespa Rally out there, so that should be ooodles of fun... note the sarcasm :)

So please pray for safety and BIG SPINS!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The new addition to our family :)

This is my new car! It is a Hundai Vericruz. I love it! It is a lot like the Lexus RX (which is a dream car of mine... as well as the Range Rover... Both too much $$$)... but this car beat the Lexus in all the competitions and categories they have!
I had my Explorer for almost 6 years and was waiting for it to give out on me... you know the whole F_O_R_D (fix or repair daily) reputation does not last too long after the 100K mile mark. We got it before the Tax rate goes up on April 1st and it was a amazing deal that we got!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I have a SURPRISE...

Picture to follow...

Monday, March 16, 2009

3 more pics from Arizona Trip...

Here are a few more pics that are fun from the AZ trip that was on a diff. camera. Fun times

The most amazing night of sleep...

Yup... I had it, Last night. David and I went upstairs to go to bed last night and while we were getting ready we noticed how cold it was, but both of us looked at each other like "I'm not going down to turn the heat on." (looking back, we should have paid the upgrade to get a therm. on the 2nd story too in order to avoid things like this :)
Well, the awesome husband David is, he got in bed and warmed up my side for me before I got in, well 1/2 my side and half his side. So when I got in only the middle of the bed was warm and it was freezing. So we snuggled up together and it was soooooo very cozy.
Now David and I enjoy some cuddle time... but this usually only lasts for a few minutes and then we roll over and fall asleep with maybe our feet touching but nothing else...
Well, last night was so different. I am not sure if it was the warmth or what, but we stayed snuggled and wrapped in each other's arms all night. And I did not stir at all. I awoke to my alarm this morning and I was shocked. And yet still soooo cozy in that position.
It was such a great sleep for me. Thanks babe!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

things I have learned and had never thought about before this new diet thing...

... I did not realize just how much dairy I was eating until I forced myself to stop cold turkey! Holy cow... it was a lot. I find myself no longer feeling sick after every meal. Don't get me wrong, I miss the eating up till that sick feeling point... but the sick feeling I don't miss. And I have lost close to 6 pounds in less that 2 weeks... Umm, yea... Dairy was loving me and I was loving the dairy. But no more.
... I also have way more energy. I can actually come home from work, make and eat dinner and not just feel like sitting on the couch and doing nothing active until getting ready for bed. David and I have been going on walks a few times a week which has been fun and good for us.
... I have been reading some new literature... The Skinny Bitch Cookbook and the No-Nonsense, tough-love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous! Book that comes along with it... So funny. Here are a few things I learned:
-This was the intro and thus I was hooked :P- "What's better than eating? (If you say "sex," you are either a liar or a pervert.) The answer is: Nothing! There is nothing better than eating! We're total pigs and eating is, without a doubt, our favorite thing to do."
-"Just like human milk is for baby humans, cows' milk is for baby cows. We are the only species in the planet that drinks the milk of another species. We're also the only species on the planet that drinks milk as adults. It's not only gross, it's creepy." Ummm... I never ever thought about this... it makes a lot of sense and yet I am still craving glasses of milk... hope that ends soon.
-"Brace yourself girls: Soda is liquid Satan. It is the devil. It is garbage." I have never heard any food or drink be compared to Satan... but I like this one and think it is very appropriate.
Those were just a few tidbits I have enjoyed... but I also liked the part about coffee and how it stores fat cells... too long to write on the blog... but if you are a coffee addict you should check it out. :)
As for eating, I have had a few things so far that I really enjoyed. Wraps with hummus and veggies... I made a turkey meatloaf with Almond Cheese... Non-dairy "cheese"... it is not good just sliced like a yummo slice of Tillamook... but melted, it was really quite a good meal.
All in all, it has gone pretty well and they say it only gets better, so we will see.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Off the Dairy Train... but headin' to INDY!!!

Ok, So I am off Dairy... I know I told you all I was off sugar till Easter, well I am now off dairy and sugar and not just till Easter, but indefinitely. Sound scary, well it is! I keep thinking about all the trademark "Wendy" foods that are now off limits: Spinach Dip, Lasagna, Mashed Taters, Lolly's cookies, Tall glasses of milk... oh the cheese that I will be missing... I could go on, but I am just getting depressed. :(
I have not gone crazy... I have reasons, they are 3 fold:
1. I have wanted to loose weight for years now, and I guess I just never got motivated enough, well, I am sure no dairy and sugar will help the weight loss. (just have to start on that pesky exercise thing :)
2. I think having a discipline like this will help me to get on track with other things I have been lacking focus on. Truth be told... food is, was, a huge part of my every day thought process and I am thinking that if I can get that out of my system I may be able to focus on other things. I am hoping this is not just wishful insight, we will see.
3. The biggest reason is b/c I have endometriosis and there are many studies out now showing the effects of giving up Animal bi-products and sugars... especially DAIRY, are not necessarily healing it but making the symptoms go away almost completely. And well, the idea that just eating differently could help me avoid so much pain monthly and raise the % of us having babies some day got my attention.
So anyway, I am almost 48 hours in and doing well. Everyone says the 1st 2 weeks is awful, but then it will be a breeze... I am not sure if I am buying that... but I will let you know.
On a much more fun note... David and I are going to INDY to play with the CARUANA'S. I wanted plane tickets to Indy for my bday, and they came early. We are not going till April 30th, but the fact that tickets are purchased and it is on the calendar makes me so happy!
I am just praying that the last snow fall in Indy has hit b4 we get there. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fun times in Arizona

We went to Scottsdale AZ to celebrate Anita's 60th Bday last weekend... and it was awesome. Great food all around and fun times with people I love. Here are some pictures... They go backwards from the actual trip progression... I had some troubles with uploading them :)

One of the bday desserts Anita got.

The boys and their Starbucks...

I have a picture of the two of them at starbucks from every trip we go on. They are kindered cafeen addicts... but I love them :)

We did not eat here... so not sure if it lives up to the great name or not.

Fun times with statues

Kelsey, Sarah and I love to take pictures with statues! Enjoy :)

us with the bday girl!

This was after the flight... they popped some bubblie and made us mimosa's

this is when we were landing... it is funny b/c depending on where the wind takes you is where you land. So the guy flying it is in walkie talkie discussions with a guy on the ground telling them where we are headed and then they come meet us where we land.

we looked like ants compared to the balloons. I had no idea how large they actually got!

A and J up, up, up and away :)

This is how the hot air ballon starts... they guy picked Anita and me to be the lucky ones to be in the basket when the balloon goes up and flips the basket. It was fun times with Anita!

This was my dessert, called Horny Little Devil... it was like a gormet ding dong :)

This was the started Jerry and David both ordered at our first dinner at Mosaic... It was foie gras which they both love, but this was awesome b/c it was called What the Foie !#*... which I thought was Hi-larious!
We had a great time, as we always do with A and J! Happy Birthday Anita. Here's to 60 more!